
Scenario: Unconscious

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Scenario Overview:
You walk outside of you place of work to find someone has collapsed and not responding, there is a crowd starting to form around the casualty. You are unaware of how long they have been unconscious. Later they suddenly stop breathing.
First Aider Moderate
How the scenario should progress:
Casualty is found unconscious and breathing while later on during the scenario they are unconscious not breathing (UNB). The First Aider/Medic is to move all bystanders away
Patient 1:
Name: Liam Codd    Age: 21    Sex: Male
Medication: None
Allergies: None
Past medical/family/social history: None
Findings on examination: Find the unconscious casualty breathing, their breathing is shallow, and they have a faint pulse.
Possible treatment from first aiders:
Time after start: 0 Mins 2 Mins 4 Mins 12 Mins
Response: None None None Yes
Airway: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Breathing? Yes Yes No Very Shallow
Respirations: None
Pulse: Weak Getting weaker None Very Weak
Oxygen Sats: Weak Weak None Very Weak
Pain Score: Unresponsive Unresponsive Unresponsive Unknown

Tips for the patient actors:

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous